Onde Moram as Coisas - Capa

“Onde Moram as Coisas” integra o catálogo da White Ravens em 2017

JoséNovas Deixe um comentário

O Onde Moram as Coisas, do Pedro Ferrão e do Marc, foi uma das obras seleccionadas para o catálogo da White Ravens 2017.

O júri que presidiu à seleção falou assim sobre o nosso livro:

A sentence hidden on the book’s impressum says it well: “This book may contain smiles”. Smiling is in fact inevitable, due to the haptic pleasure the book pages provide and due to the silkscreen-style pictures, wonderful in their minimalism and exquisite pastel tones. And of course also due to the text, which is about the Portuguese word “morar”, i.e. “to live” or more precisely “to reside”.

From the opening reflection, “where houses live”, the text relentlessly and a little erratically meanders across winding associations. For instance, it considers the birds who live on the "top floor” of the street, then music that constantly “moves” and can live at any place, and then on to beehives and bee wax and from there straight to ear wax, which leaves its “house” to “live” on cotton swabs. In the end, this picture book is about language and the marvellous pleasure of allowing one’s thoughts and words to roam in all directions.

Parabéns, Pedro e Marc!

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